
Good health can be an incredible asset -- it makes life easier, and it increases the chances of living a long life. Hello, my name is Harriet, and I am a lifelong advocate of healthy habits. In this blog, I hope to provide you with advice that will help you preserve and safeguard your good health. If you currently struggle with an illness, I also hope to provide ideas and inspiration related to healing. This blog is not devoted to any specific conditions, but I may write about several types of mental and physical illnesses and treatment options. I wish you good health and happy reading.


Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally

7 May 2017
, Blog

If you experience a pain or burning sensation accompanied by bumps near your rectum, you may have hemorrhoids. Discussing hemorrhoids can be difficult for some people, but hemorrhoids can have a significant negative impact on your life. If you are looking for some simple ways to treat your hemorrhoids, here are three natural remedies to look into in the future. 1. Increase your fiber intake. Many people are surprised to learn that hemorrhoids are actually swollen veins.
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Four Benefits Of Cryotherapy

5 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Cryotherapy is the new raging trend in treatment for everything from wrinkles to arthritis. You may be wondering why cryotherapy is getting so much publicity. Besides the fact that it is a relatively new treatment, clients report excellent results. If you want to try cryotherapy, it actually has many benefits, depending on what you want to treat. Cryotherapy Arrests Cell Death and the Spread of Cancer Cells Forty-plus years ago, scientists began experimenting with cryogenics.
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3 Steps To Take Prior To Open-Heart Surgery

4 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Properly preparing for open-heart surgery can often result in a recovery process that is easier and takes less time. Listed below are three steps to take prior to open-heart surgery that can make the entire process easier on you. Stop Smoking One of the most important things that you can do prior to open-heart surgery is quit smoking. The primary reason for this is that smoking can greatly reduce your body's ability to heal properly after the surgery, which means that you could end up taking much longer to completely heal and recover after the surgery has been completed.
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Reach Your Golden Years? 3 Reasons Why Now’s The Time To Get Your Flu Shot

3 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've reached your golden years, it's time to take your health seriously, especially during flu season. If you've been avoiding the flu shot, you could be putting your health at risk – even if you've never had a flu shot before. Not sure flu shots are for you? Here are three important reasons why you should change your mind. Your Immune System Isn't What It Used to Be When you were younger, you probably didn't have to worry about flu season.
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About Me
Healing and Maintaining Good Health: Health Care Blogs

Good health can be an incredible asset -- it makes life easier, and it increases the chances of living a long life. Hello, my name is Harriet, and I am a lifelong advocate of healthy habits. In this blog, I hope to provide you with advice that will help you preserve and safeguard your good health. If you currently struggle with an illness, I also hope to provide ideas and inspiration related to healing. This blog is not devoted to any specific conditions, but I may write about several types of mental and physical illnesses and treatment options. I wish you good health and happy reading.
