Good health can be an incredible asset -- it makes life easier, and it increases the chances of living a long life. Hello, my name is Harriet, and I am a lifelong advocate of healthy habits. In this blog, I hope to provide you with advice that will help you preserve and safeguard your good health. If you currently struggle with an illness, I also hope to provide ideas and inspiration related to healing. This blog is not devoted to any specific conditions, but I may write about several types of mental and physical illnesses and treatment options. I wish you good health and happy reading.


How Technology Can Help Your Aging Parent’s Health

25 October 2018
, Blog

When you have a parent that is getting on in years, it is only natural that you might feel worried and concerned about their well-being. Taking care of aging and/or ailing parents can be quite the challenge for anyone. However, one of the things you might not have thought of to help care for your aging parent is technology. There are many ways in which technology can help your aging parent have a better quality of life and be safer, no matter where they are living.
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Sinus Infection? Know The Symptoms And How To Find Relief

12 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your sinuses can become inflamed and infected, which can lead to you feeling ill and wondering what may be wrong with you. Sinus infections can sometimes mimic the same symptoms of the flu or a cold. Read on for symptoms of a sinus infection and what you can do to find some relief. Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection Your sinus cavities are located in the face behind the eyes, cheeks and the forehead.
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Benefits Of Using Urgent Care Services

10 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes you just can't seem to obtain an appointment to be seen by your primary care doctor. The reason for that difficulty may be because your illness or injury is not severe enough for you to be fitted into the practice's illness slot. That being so, neither is your complaint severe enough for an emergency room. You have the choice though of heading to an urgent care center for care. That practice is a healthcare facility you can go to without an appointment, and you'll receive first-class health care service there.
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The Pros And Cons Of A Vitamin C Infusions

30 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Vitamin infusion therapy is becoming more and more popular among those wishing to improve their health. Specifically, many patients are choosing to undergo vitamin C infusions in which ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C, is infused directly into the bloodstream via an IV. Vitamin C infusions can have many benefits, but they are not necessarily for everyone. Here is a look at the pros and cons of undergoing a vitamin C infusion.
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Blood Pressure And Your Diet: What You Need To Know

26 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Is the food that you consume responsible for your blood pressure? Are there specific foods that may help lower your blood pressure or, at the very least, help control it? There are numerous studies that provide information as to how your blood pressure and diet are linked to one another. If you are interested in modifying your lifestyle to prevent or control high blood pressure, here are a few things to know to get started.
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About Me
Healing and Maintaining Good Health: Health Care Blogs

Good health can be an incredible asset -- it makes life easier, and it increases the chances of living a long life. Hello, my name is Harriet, and I am a lifelong advocate of healthy habits. In this blog, I hope to provide you with advice that will help you preserve and safeguard your good health. If you currently struggle with an illness, I also hope to provide ideas and inspiration related to healing. This blog is not devoted to any specific conditions, but I may write about several types of mental and physical illnesses and treatment options. I wish you good health and happy reading.
