Healing and Maintaining Good Health: Health Care Blogs

Good health can be an incredible asset -- it makes life easier, and it increases the chances of living a long life. Hello, my name is Harriet, and I am a lifelong advocate of healthy habits. In this blog, I hope to provide you with advice that will help you preserve and safeguard your good health. If you currently struggle with an illness, I also hope to provide ideas and inspiration related to healing. This blog is not devoted to any specific conditions, but I may write about several types of mental and physical illnesses and treatment options. I wish you good health and happy reading.

Healing and Maintaining Good Health: Health Care Blogs

3 Ways To Deal With Blood Sugar Issues

10 October 2019
, Blog

If you're someone who suffers from high or low blood sugar, you know all too well how miserable you can feel when your blood sugar is at either end of the spectrum. Low blood sugar and high blood sugar are both hazardous to your health, especially when they remain this way. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do when you're facing either predicament, regardless of whether you've tested your blood sugar yourself or you are simply so acquainted with blood sugar issues that you can tell if something is amiss.
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2 Reasons To Consider Using A Doula While Preparing For And Going Through Natural Child Birth

5 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have decided to deliver your baby naturally and without any form of pain medication, you may still be a little nervous about the process even though you feel it is the right thing to do for your baby. However, even if you are not wanting pain medication, you may still want to take advantage of having a doula help you during the birthing process for the reasons discussed below.
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Injured Your Shoulder In A Work Accident? Three Reasons Why You Should Have Work Injury Rehabilitation

20 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you were injured at work and hurt your shoulder, you need to have work injury rehabilitation. This will benefit you in many ways while you are going through your recovery so you can get back to work. Below are three benefits so you can start on the journey of healing both physically and mentally. Getting the Right Treatment Early You do not realize how much you do use your shoulder until one of your shoulders get injured.
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How Technology Can Help Your Aging Parent’s Health

25 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you have a parent that is getting on in years, it is only natural that you might feel worried and concerned about their well-being. Taking care of aging and/or ailing parents can be quite the challenge for anyone. However, one of the things you might not have thought of to help care for your aging parent is technology. There are many ways in which technology can help your aging parent have a better quality of life and be safer, no matter where they are living.
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Sinus Infection? Know The Symptoms And How To Find Relief

12 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your sinuses can become inflamed and infected, which can lead to you feeling ill and wondering what may be wrong with you. Sinus infections can sometimes mimic the same symptoms of the flu or a cold. Read on for symptoms of a sinus infection and what you can do to find some relief. Symptoms Of A Sinus Infection Your sinus cavities are located in the face behind the eyes, cheeks and the forehead.
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About Me
Healing and Maintaining Good Health: Health Care Blogs

Good health can be an incredible asset -- it makes life easier, and it increases the chances of living a long life. Hello, my name is Harriet, and I am a lifelong advocate of healthy habits. In this blog, I hope to provide you with advice that will help you preserve and safeguard your good health. If you currently struggle with an illness, I also hope to provide ideas and inspiration related to healing. This blog is not devoted to any specific conditions, but I may write about several types of mental and physical illnesses and treatment options. I wish you good health and happy reading.
